
This Primer is valuable for anyone who wants a basic understanding of the impact of the new wave of AVs.  Course Outline:

Module 1: Transportation System Overview

  • Technology Megatrends
  • Legal and Insurance Frameworks
  • Public Policy
  • New Economic Models

Module 2: AV Technology Overview

  • Vehicle and AV Architecture
  • Sensor Systems
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Safety, Validation, and Verification

Module 3: AV Supplier Ecosystem

  • Automotive Development and Supply Infrastructure
  • Electronics Supplier Ecosystem
  • Electronics Testing and Validation
  • AV Examples and Lessons Learned

Author:   Dr. Rahul Razdan

Dr. Rahul Razdan is a seasoned scientist and business executive who has had significant roles in the world of academia, startups, and fortune 500 companies.  This book is a companion to an on-line course: "Autonomous Vehicles for Transporation Professionals."

In addition to the book and course, Dr. Razdan has edited a leading series of SAE Edge reports which outline critical issues in the transportation industry, and has a standing column on transportation matters on Forbes

Book on Education Rahul Razdan

Education is a critical function to unleash the human spirit. Traditionally, the teacher with classroom model has been the gold standard.  However, modern technology can enable lower cost, more effective, and highly scalable models of education. One of the key concepts was the use of open systems. Dr. Razdan discussed these topics in a number of venues:

  1. Ted Talk:  "Sir Ken Robinson was right about the symptom, now let's talk"
  2. Princeton Paper: "FRODO: An Open-Source Architecture for Instruction IP"
  3. Startup Company: 

In 2019,  RedHat Corporation sponsored a series of articles on the topic of open methods for education in the form of this book. The contributors were pulled from industry, academia, and government.  The lead section was on visions for education with "Economics, openness, and the education process" by Dr. Razdan as the lead essay.  The closing chapter was "Open Education is more than open content" by Jim Whiteurst, CEO Redhat.

Book on Internet Marketing Rahul Razdan

The Internet offers savvy small business owners the ability to compete with Fortune 500 companies at an affordable price. However, many small businesses are not taking advantage of these new online opportunities. This book offers a no-nonsense primer to quickly understand the structure and power of on-line platforms. The book also demystifies jargon such as SEO, SEM, data mining, and more. Using real-life examples, the authors demonstrate the places where on-line tools can be effective and places where they may not be very effective.



  1. Consumer Behavior
  2. Business Behavior: Marketing 
  3. Business Behavior: Finance 
  4. Business Behavior: Productivity
  5. Website Development
  6. Attracting and Keeping Customers
  7. Using Social Networks to Your Advantage
  8. Putting it All Together 



Authored by veterans from high technology and marketing, this book simply connects the major concepts in marketing to the online world.

  • Dr. Rahul Razdan:  Forune 500, Startup, General Management, Harvard Phd
  • Pankaj Mayor: Marketing, Strategy, Business Deveopment, Fortune 500 Sr VP market.