
With over 100 years of operation, the current automobile industry has settled into an equilibrium with the development of methodologies, regulations, and processes for improving safety. In addition, a nearly $2-trillion market operates in the automotive ecosystem with connections into fields ranging from insurance to advertising. Enabling this ecosystem is a well-honed, tiered supply chain and an established development environment.
Contributors: Rahul Razdan, William Mahoney - Research Applications Laboratory at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Eshel Haritan - Synopsys, Inc., Apurva Kalia - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Jamie Smith - National Instruments, Tony Zarola, - Analog Devices, Inc., M. Ilhan Akbas - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Joachim Taiber - International Transportation Innovation Center and International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization, Edward Straub - Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium, Raivo Sell - Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia